How many people do you know WITHOUT a Facebook profile? Not too many, right?
Did you realize over a billion people log into Facebook daily, generating over 4.5 billion “Likes” every 24 hours?
You know what that means?
A WEALTH of targeting data for advertisers like you and me!
In fact, Facebook has more interest-based data than any advertising platform known to man.
Which makes it a GOLDMINE for finding hot prospects for your business.
So let’s discuss how you can improve and refine your Facebook ad targeting.
This is going to be particularly helpful if you’ve been doing either of these two things:
One, if you’ve really gotten a good grasp of your customer avatar—you know exactly who that person is, where they hang out, what they like to do, and what’s going on in their life.
Two, if you’re focused on branding, building a Page through Page Likes, and communicating with your audience like industry leaders.
There are some incredible ways to target your prospects and precise customer avatar on Facebook.
Be open to testing, it’s how I’ve learned best, as a result, my Facebook ads strategy has improved tremendously!
Read on for specific examples of how you might use these 16 types of Facebook targeting.
Customer Interests
The first one is knowing your customers’ Interests.
If you’ve ever done anything with Facebook ads, this is the most obvious: you can target people that have expressed interest in or “Liked” Pages related to what you’re offering.
Not to be confused with “Like” targeting; there are thousands of Interests to target, and they’re located in the “Interest” section of your Ad Set settings.
Interest targeting usually means that you’re targeting LARGE audiences, so before you set up Interest targeting, you want to evaluate the size of your target group to consider combining an Interest with at least one other targeting method.
Now, when I say Interest targeting—just to be clear—it’s essentially when you create a Facebook ad, you would advertise to people like Eric Worre of Network Marketing Pro.
That’s an Interest.
Online Behavior
Another way to refine your targeting is to seek out people in the market for what you sell.
Online behavior tells a lot about buying actions.
By combining data from different sources, Facebook is able to tell who’s in the process of buying a given product. Therefore, you can target people who are looking to buy something specific.
For example, maybe it’s a new vehicle—a luxury SUV. You’re going to find this option in the “Behavior” section of your Ad Set settings, and you’ll see multiple categories for it.
If that person is in the market for a luxury SUV, you know they’re more likely to be affluent.
That’s going to work really well if you combine it with, say, an interest in network marketing.
You can start with a huge target audience, but only reach out to those people you know are affluent that have an interest in that sort of thing.
Playing around with these behaviors is a really good way to narrow that targeting down.
Financial Resources
The next targeting method is based on financial resources.
Listed under the demographics, the targeting option allows you to select income, net worth, and liquid assets (an option under net worth).
Targeting people by income, net worth, or liquid assets works well as a standalone option. When you combine financial targeting with behavior that best matches your target group, the audience is sometimes too narrow.
Pick a broader-than-usual audience if you’re going to try to do some sort of net worth or income targeting. You want to narrow the group somewhat, but you don’t want the audience to be too small.
Your ideal audience is in the 10,000-30,000 target range.
You want to make sure your interest is related, but make sure it’s broad enough so that when you combine it with the financial behaviors; you can still get a decent sized audience to advertise to.
According to Facebook, that financial data is modeled based on age, income, presence of children, occupation, property data, vehicle data, investment interest, and census median data—whatever that data might be.
I don’t know where they get that stuff, but that’s what Facebook does.
Age + Gender + Location
Next, you can combine age with gender and where people live.
Simply targeting geographic areas and age groups, add gender to the mix.
For example, targeting men ages 25 to 35 who live in New York City can be very useful if you are promoting any sort of live event.
I know there’s a big opportunity that promotes live events.
It’s like a gateway into the opportunity, and they do them in different cities.
You can use this targeting method to promote those events and target the people in that demographic in that particular area.
Industry and Occupation
If a product or service is ideal for people who are working in a different industry or have a specific job, you can use their industry to target them.
You don’t need to target by their specific job title, but you can choose “office type.”
If you go into “office type,” and look above the “net worth” area, you can narrow it into “small office,” “small business,” or even “home office.”
I haven’t tested this, but I’ve come to think that somebody with a home office is probably self-employed, and most likely they might be more receptive to some sort of business opportunity offer.
Home Ownership Status
You can also target people based on home ownership status.
You can do first time home-buyers, homeowners, or renters.
If you are targeting realtors or people that may be looking for a house, this is great.
Again, it’s one of these things you can test with another broad Interest.
You can filter by education level, such as college grads, doctorate degrees, or people who have studied something specific.
One way to use this would be to round up a bunch of interests and then just target college grads, with the thought that college grads are much more likely to be willing to sign up for an opportunity or learn more about it.
In general terms, they tend to make more money.
They may be more educated on business and the benefits of having an opportunity.
You can also target ethnic affinities.
You could do this if your customer avatar is based on a particular ethnicity.
Maybe you are reaching out to a group most like yourself; ethnic targeting might a way to reach out to them.
Parental Status
If your customer avatar is a mother, or a single mother, or parents with teenagers, or parents with kids going off to college, you can target all of those groups.
You can actually target parents of kids from 0 to 12 months, 3 to 5 years, 8 to 12 years, and 13 to 18 years.
If you really hone in on that customer avatar and their pains, you can really get very, very selective with the kind of people that you target inside that group.
You know…Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials.
How might this type of targeting apply to your offer or opportunity?
Well, Millennials are probably not as interested in Elite Marketing Pro, for example.
Some of them are, sure, but you’re more likely to find Baby Boomers to be MUCH more interested in a business opportunity.
Also, to an extent, Generation Xers are now because they’re moving up into that area where they’re getting older.
Why? Because they’re sick of working, and they want something else, they want an online business and are likely looking to supplement their retirement income.
Political Beliefs
If you’re conservative, liberal, moderate, or active, you can filter by that.
Where that really comes into play is if you have developed a specific personality online, and you’re going after a specific avatar, maybe it’s conservative or maybe it’s liberal, you can target those specific people with those political beliefs.
Relationship Status
You can target people who are single, engaged, married, divorced, or in long-distance relationships.
If your product or service has anything to do with those major changes in life status, you can target them on Facebook.
Job Status
Here’s an interesting one—you can promote to people who recently started a job.
Why not try promoting to people with an ad something like…
“Not looking forward to that job you recently started?”
You could actually target those people that are just brand new in a job and reach out to them with a very targeted message.
Purchasing Habits
You can target people that love to shop by their purchasing habits.
You target them with “above average spenders.”
For example, you could cross reference that with, say, somebody who was interested in network marketing, but somebody that also likes to shop online.
You could also target “online buyers,” and then also “offline buyers” as well.
If you’re using Elite Marketing Pro, I might suggest “online buyers” because, obviously, if they’re more offline buyers they’re less likely to want to buy online.
Maybe they’ve recently moved, maybe they have a work anniversary.
Maybe they just retired.
That’s one I saw that might be really good if you are targeting, say, Baby Boomers or new retirees.
You could find the targeting in there for somebody that is recently retired and create an ad like…
“Looking to subsidize your retirement income?”
Reaching out to that specific audience that might be looking for something else to do now that they’re out of the workforce would be very targeted.
Mobile Devices
Last but not least, you can target people who own specific mobile devices, so like Android, iOS, Windows phones. You can also target people that use iPads.
I haven’t tested this myself, but it’s been tested over and over again, and people with iPads are 40% more likely to make online purchases.
They’re also 80% more likely to be more affluent.
It makes sense because an iPad is something that you would have with higher disposable income.
And that wraps up our list!
I’ve shared how you can improve and refine your Facebook ad strategy, know that when you implement these tips, you will find that you save tremendously on your ad budget by targeting individuals who are more likely to relate to, connect with and ultimately buy your product or services.
Once I learned and applied many of the strategies mentioned, customer leads where added to my list daily! This gave me the opportunity to foster relationships and ultimately paying customers which leads to profits!
Ready to learn how to apply these strategies and learn more about other strategies, then take a look at what I share about Elite Marketing Pro. You will not regret it!
As mentioned, these 16 types of Facebook ad targeting are more than sufficient to get you on the right trajectory towards your perfect customer avatar.
That said, it takes more than just effective targeting to create a profitable advertising campaign.
It takes careful preparation and an effective conversion strategy—from your ad and your landing page, to your offer and follow-up—to ensure you maximize your ROI.
And if you want to learn how to turn traffic into leads from a top industry leader with a proven track record of real, in-the-trenches results, then you’re in the right spot…
I leverage many of the strategies taught by Tim Erway, CEO of Elite Marketing Pro. Tim has already done the “heavy lifting” of methodically testing and validating exactly what’s working right now on Facebook through our own in-house campaigns.
These are tested strategies you can safely use right now to leverage Facebook for ultra-targeted clicks, quality leads…and most important of all…SALES!
There is a lot of information here, be sure to bookmark this article to review it again later. J Also, be sure to share this article with others who may be ready to learn and apply FB advertising for their business as well, I appreciate it!
Cheers to your Legacy!
Which specific ad targeting strategy mentioned stands out for your business niche?